15-10-23 | Peter Pan Comics visited Comic Con Holland yesterday and it was quite a ride! So many stars, so many collectibles, so many events and most important of all … countless incredible cosplayers! In the months to come we’ll be uploading a diverse group of photosets featuring the talented young women we ran into. Many thanks to all of you who took the time to pose for us! You make events like these worth visiting!
You’ll find a selection of cool cosplayers below. And be sure to follow us on social media to receive regular updates on our cosplay photosets, free webcomics and awesome articles!
Among others, this post features:
Anna, Leadias, Rob, Kim, Daphne, Fleur, Nicole, Tyrese, Alycia, Just.Your.Local.Alien, Alice, Toby, Marly, Beepskie and Juul.