23-12-24 | Yup! 2024 is almost over! And already 2025 is promising to be a superb year for comic lovers. Epihany Engine is what we’re most excited about. Dozens of African American artists have contributed to this epic graphic novel. With so much talent at the helm it must be good! January is also a great time for those of us tired of DC and Marvel gimmicks. Instead 2025 starts off with a lot of fresh characters and original concepts. If you like what you see, be sure to support these new series!

Okay. We lied. Marvel couldn’t help themselves and came up with yet another excuse to team-up fan favourites Deadpool and Wolverine. But we love these guys so much, why not go with the flow. This time ‘round they are facing reanimated dinosaurs. Oof! Written by Wolverine veteran Benjamin Percy.

Advent Comics, champion of black comic creators, is switching from loose issues to the graphic novel format. The McKali’s, a family of scientific geniuses, accidentally unleash the fearsome Abszylom from another dimension. Our heroes set out to save the world … at the cost of the family unit. Great stuff!

Aquaman is undoubtedly the underdog of the DC Universe. The concept seems goofy from the outside, but insiders know the sprawling underwater mythology has so much promise. DC has another crack at him in this new All-In series. Only Dagon can help him slay the giant monsters destroying Atlantis.

The new Daredevil gets her own series. Former Marvel superstar Elektra takes on the mantle of the Daredevil, facing a twisted serial killer slashing his way through New York. And given that this is an explicit Red Band title, expect the killings to be quite grizzly. By Erica Schultz and Valentina Pinti.

Want more girl power? Magik will give IIlyana Rasputina a new fantasy twist. Her new series will lean heavily into the urban sorcery theme. It’s a worldwide demon hunt which slings Magic from Alaska to Japan. Though IIlyana has been around for years, this has all the trappings of a brand new concept.

Two warriors, a cowboy and a samurai, perish and travel to hell together. As the title suggests, a romance soon starts to blossom. How’s that for a pitch?! This riveting series by Image, the masters of quality comics, is collected in graphic novel form next month. A must read by Duggan and Brown.

A savage female warrior fighting dinosaurs on a lost island. Sounds good, huh? But wait … it’s Rogue from X-Men! A great comic just became superb! And to top it all off Magneto and Ka-Zar are along for the ride. Heroes, dinos and lots of adventure. It’s the finest shlock you’ll read this month. ‘Nuff said.

Want a but of satire to spice up your month? Ripperland speculates about the dark future of Great Britain, in which England has been turned into a Victorian theme park. A fine moment for time-traveling Jack the Ripper to reemerge after 200 years. A fun and philosophical thrill ride, folks.