29-03-23 | Vault Comics takes you back to 1990s Britain next week, with what promises to be an unusual horror series. The Nasty tells the tale of Thumper Connell, whose unlikely imaginary friend is a knife wielding homicidal maniac. Watching too many forbidden horror movies will do that to you!
To the modern reader this may sound like a silly premise. But in the early 1980s these concerns were very real. A moral panic swept over Britain, calling on the conservative government to ban the so called ‘video nasties’. VHS copies of films like Evil Dead, Zombi 2 and Cannibal Holocaust were hunted down and incinerated. It is against this backdrop that The Nasty unfolds.
The story picks up ten years after Thumper Connell saw one of these fabled video nasties. Too young to handle the horror at the time, it deeply affected him. An interesting take on the video nasty theme, which continues to inspire artists. An earlier six part comic series, 2014’s Video Nasty, examined the cultural phenomenon from the perspective of a police detective. This new series from Vault Comics has a unique approach which we’re keen to explore. The Nasty is available next week. For more info on video nasties we highly recommend Video Nasties: Moral Panic, Censorship And Videotape from Nucleus Films.