24-07-24 | There’s a fun week ahead of us with lots of varied comics to choose from. One major superhero team will be revived while another will bow out. And the dreaded Cthulhu can soon be revisited in a disturbing graphic novel. These and other titles will be available next week.

Two classic characters merge in this stunning one-shot by Marvel Comics. Female super spy Natasha Romanova knows not to resist the parasitic symbiote. Instead she strives to use her newfound powers with surprising results. This comic sets up Black Widows’ role in the ongoing story arc Venom War.

Speaking of Marvel: X-Force is back! Marvel has been relaunching all of its X-Men series with new and refreshing line-ups. X-Force is bound to draw some attention by featuring Deadpool as the main hero. But don’t get too excited, Wade is here for one issue only. Still a series worth following, folks.

The BOOM! Power Rangers revival is coming to an end. The Rangers must defeated Dark Specter in Darkest Hour, the last issue in a series that has lasted for eight successful years and will be missed by many. BOOM! elevated a corny show from the 1990s to new hights and will be going out in style.

In order to defeat the Marit Lage Cult three rival sorcerers must team up and journey to a faraway land. The superb series based on the Magic the Gathering card game is collected in hardcover form for the first time. This volume covers 2021 to early 2022. A second volume will continue the tale.

Let’s finish up with a masterpiece. Japanese artist Gou Tanabe has adapted The Call of Cthulhu into comic book form and the results are breathtaking. H.P. Lovecraft’s novel was disturbing enough as it is. Now Tanabe adds a whole new layer of unease with his twisted and highly detailed artwork.