01-02-23 | The first issue of Clear, the latest provocative title from Dark Horse Comics, will be available next week. This intriguing new mini-series follows the dark adventures of Sam Dunes, who lives in a world were the population sees their surroundings through digital filters of their choosing. ‘Hollywood monochrome, zombie apocalypse, anime . . . the possibilities are endless. Neo-shamus Sam Dunes is one of only a handful who choose to live without a filter.’
The story by Scott Snyder sees Sam Dunes investigating the death of his former girlfriend. It promises to be a thought provoking series, which questions our relationship with digital media. Might Clear even be so bold as to take a broader approach and examine how limited the perspective of modern man really is? We’ll have to wait and see! Either way, with a team like Scott Snyder and Francis Manapul, it promises to be good.
The theme of virtual reality is not new by any stretch of the imagination. Whereas The Matrix, Ready Player One and many others depict their false digital world as a shared universe, Clear turns it into a contained personal experience. A unique twist, which we’re keen to explore. Get it next week from Dark Horse Comics.