15-03-23 | Marvel Comics relaunches Doctor Strange next week! The Master of the Mystic Arts latest escapades will be written by Jed MacKay, who is no stranger to Strange. MacKay has been the lead writer on several earlier acclaimed series to feature the Supreme Sorcerer. MacKay is backed by artist Pasquel Ferry, whose previous work includes Spider-Man and Namor.
MacKay commented that Ferry ‘has been putting together a truly magical book, and I’m super psyched to show people what’s in store for Stephen and Clea Strange- and of course, we won’t be giving them any time off after recent events…’. On top of that comic book legend Alex Ross provides the cover for issue 1 of this series.
Here’s hoping this latest Doctor Strange series will last beyond six issues. Despite the second volume of Doctor Strange running from 1974 to 1996, more recent efforts tend not the extend beyond two years. The character’s popularity was hugely boosted by his recent appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Hopefully new readers are keen to explore what MacKay and Ferry have to offer. Doctor Strange, incidentally, celebrates his 60th anniversary in July of this year.