23-11-23 | Batman fans can’t get enough of Tim Burton’s poetic and gothic vision of the Dark Knight. Following the success of Batman ’66, which celebrated the Adam West era, Batman ’89 was unleashed upon readers craving more of Michael Keaton’s adventures. That series folded in 2022 after six issues, but will now be continued within the pages of Batman ’89 Echoes. This second six part series introduces both the Scarecrow and Harley Quinn to the Burtonverse.
‘After Harvey Dent’s crusade against Gotham and Batman, the Caped Crusader has disappeared without a trace. In his place, ordinary citizens have taken to the streets to root out crime. As innocents get hurt, the question on everyone’s mind is the same: Where is Batman? Sam Hamm, screenwriter of the 1989 Batman movie, and Joe Quinones reunite for another tale in Gotham!’
By all accounts it seems Batman ’89 Echoes is taking the road not taken by the unproduced fifth Batman movie of the 1990s. The film would have pitted George Clooney against a ghostly fear induced Joker, but never got off the ground. Batman ’89 had similar ambitions with Two-Face, a role promised to Star Wars hero Billy Dee Williams, but ultimately given to Tommy Lee Jones. Williams’ scarred face returns for Echoes, as does the likeness of definitive movie Batman Michael Keaton. So … you wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts!