21-11-23 | Keanu Reeves continues to explore the universe of the BRZRKR within the pages of Fallen Empire, which is out next week. Earlier this year Reeves was involved in a similar one-shot: BRZRKR Poetry of Madness. Both issues are sequels to the hugely successful BRZRKR series, in which an immortal warrior rediscovers his own bloodstained origin story bit by bit. Violent and gory, BRZRKR is among the more highly regarded “celebrity comics”.
‘The lone survivor of Olos, a long-dead empire that once thrived, tells a tale of B.’s distant past, and the death and cataclysm he brought forth. But what else did B. find that could have driven him to such violence? The heart is as much a weapon as any in B.’s arsenal. Created by the iconic Keanu Reeves, writer Mattson Tomlin is joined by hit artist Rebekah Isaacs to bring fans more brutality from the ancient past!’
Rather than launch a steady and ongoing BRZRKR series, Boom! Studios decided to unfold the second BRZRKR saga in a series of one-shots. An interesting approach, which affords its creators to maintain high quality storytelling one adventure at a time. It also has the added benefit of having every adventure feel special and unique. Like Poetry of Madness this second chapter, Fallen Empire, is a modest comic book event worthy of celebration. Let’s hope Keanu Reeves and his creative team find the time to work an a third BRZRKR episode soon!