03-07-24 | The X-Men are back in business! You can pick up your favourite mutants in your local comic book store next week. Also out soon are Kid Venom, Ahsoka and … Captain Canuck?! Sounds weird (and it is) but we promise that the Captain won’t let you down. Read on, friends …

X-MEN #1
Marvel’s mutants are reborn in X-Men number one! After months of top heavy myth making in Fall of X, finally we get some classic lean and mean storytelling again. The new line-up includes favourites such as Cyclops, Beast and Juggernaut. Truly X-Men for a new era by Jed MacKay and Ryan Stegman.

Comic publishers are chasing the recent manga wave, plus the Young Adult rage. Here’s a cute offering from Marvel set in the Venomverse. Japanese youngster Kintaro becomes a junior version of the famous symbiote in a tale by newcomer Taigami. Kid Venom skilfully blends manga with Marvel.

It’s more carnage in the style of Highlander. Kill All Immortals follows the children of Erik the Viking who battle for domination of his legacy. His daughter Frey Asvalt has other plans and struggles to distance herself from the fighting. Another great mythical graphic novel by Dark Horse Comics.

The recent Disney+ series is adapted in comic book form by the folks at Marvel. Relive the epic journey of Ahsoka, seeking a lost friend at the edge of the universe. Alas, that is where Ahsoka is also bound to stumble upon Grand Admiral Thrawn, heir to the Empire. Not for everyone, but lots of fun.

We’ll wrap up with a wildcard. Canada’s answer to Captain America turns 45 this year. And to celebrate Chapterhouse has compiled a fun volume of Captain Canuck’s greatest adventures. It features rare tales from five decades of comics. Lovers of cult and oddball comics can’t skip this one!