14-08-24 | Not only is it sunny outside, our comic books for next week are filled with bright colours as well. There are plenty of team-ups, unusual heroes and great writers waiting to entertain you this summer. Lot’s of DC stuff you will want to check out. So let’s delve into the top comics of the coming week!

Superman and Batman have teamed up with Wonder Woman on more than one occasion. The latest issue of World’s Finest reimagines their very first meeting. The story is contained in a single issue, meaning you won’t have to invest in dozens of comics to follow the tale. They should do that more often!

Also from DC comes this fun collected edition of a great Teen Titans yarn. Both heroes and villains gain the power to transform into snarling wild animals, battling to the death for dominion of the Necrostar. An epic story centred around Beast Boy’s superpowers. Fun stuff written by Tom Tyler.

This superb Marvel miniseries teams up legendary artists Greg Capullo and Jonathan Hickman. As the title suggests Logan wants revenge for what his former comrades have done to him. If that’s too melodramatic for you: Wolverine battle dinosaurs in this comics! Actual frickin’ dinosaurs!

This is Zorro like you’ve never seen him before. A young man is convinced he is the legendary Zorro and takes on gangsters and drug dealers. It’s Zorro meets Don Quixote with a little Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) mixed in. A stunning graphic novel by Batman White Knight artist Sean Murphy.

Jenny Sparks may look like an Image Comics classic, it’s actually a superhero yarn from DC Comics. This spunky Brit is back from the dead to call the Justice League to attention. Jenny, you see, is the guardian angel of the 20th century and not too happy about the way things are going in the 21st.